
Cannot write to Linux HDD: read-only file system

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I noticed that I don't have any write access to my entire HDD when my backups started failing.

I understand that I need to change read-only privalges so my user can write to the Disk. However, no matter what I try nothing changes the privalges.

garrett@garrett-desktop:/media/garrett$ ls -la
total 12
drwxr-x---+ 3 root    root    4096 Aug  1 20:17  .
drwxr-xr-x  3 root    root    4096 Apr  6 09:13  ..
drwxrwxrwx  1 garrett garrett 4096 Jul  4 18:44 'Garretts HDD'
garrett$ sudo chmod 777 Garretts\ HDD/
chmod: changing permissions of 'Garretts HDD/': Read-only file system

Afterwards I still only have read-only access for my main user garrett and the sudo user.

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Does "*no matter what I try*" include a plain old unmount/remount? Or a plain old reboot?
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Do you dual boot with Windows? If so, you must disable "Fast Startup" in Windows because it prevents the system from actually shutting down. Hard drive failure is another reason that a file system can turn read-only. Be careful with setting permissions, especially recursively, if there are any system files or software in the destination for your chmod commands
Garrett avatar
de flag
@Nmath yes, I have a dual boot. I'll look into "Fast Startup" I'm not totally sure what that is. I boot into GRUB at first and my primary option is Ubuntu (so if I do nothing I'm in Ubuntu). As for HHD failure, I hope that's not the case because I just bought it a month ago and its only purpose is backups for my Linux SSD where the OS is.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Fast Startup is a Windows setting that does not play nice with dual boot because it is actually a hybrid suspend and it causes Windows to never shut down completely. It also places a "lock" on some hardware and disks. You should be able to search "disable fast startup Windows" to see how to disable it. If I remember correctly, it's an advanced setting under power options
Garrett avatar
de flag
@Nmath Fast Startup was enabled. You solved my issue! I also needed to reconfigure the `Backups` application in Ubuntu. An additional reason I detest Windows! I just need it for gaming but I have spent hours removing ridiculous configurations to the BIOS.
Garrett avatar
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@user535733 poor wording. Instead: I tried a few ideas I had from my novice Linux admin skills! Nmath resolved my issue, thanks.

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