
How can I rescue my Ubuntu VM, if I can't find the */boot/grub directory anywhere?

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Something happened to my Ubuntu (v20.04 I believe) VM that I was working on, and it throws me into "grub rescue> " mode, doesn't even let me boot otherwise.

I've done some research on the internet, but unfortunately it hasn't been a fruitful endeavour, since the only solution I've come across doesn't work for me. Here's what I found:

1. grub rescue> ls (hd0) (hd0,msdos5) (hd0,msdos1)

I found the EXT2 filesys on (hd0,msdos5) with the following directories:

./ ../ swapfile dev/ home/ proc/ run/ sys/

I searched through manually the entire file system, but haven't found the /boot nor the /grub directories anywhere to set root and prefix. Like they've disappeared.

If anybody have come accross such an issue and solved it succesfully without reinstalling the operating system, any help would be greatly appreciated.



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