
Busybox: how to quit Busybox and/or shut down computer

in flag

I am on a terminal looking ("pre-boot") screen, in a utility/program called Busybox. By pre-boot, I mean that I am not booted into the GUI of an operating system. My computer loaded this utility/program instead of booting into the operating system.

How do I exit Busybox and shut down the computer?

Here is a web page that shows the commands:

I couldn't find any quit or exit command.

guiverc avatar
cn flag
You can always just tell the linux kernel to shutdown (ie. SysRq command)
pk flag

It’s poweroff or poweroff -f.

Also, ash does have an exit command, but the resource you mentioned is for the busybox binary, not the shell.

whitelightning avatar
in flag
Thanks. Was very helpful and to the point. Put an end to a frustrating day for me.

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