
Confusion regarding workspace-related shortcuts on 20.04

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The problem

I am trying to understand some odd behavior linked to keyboard shortcuts, specifically around workspaces.

The shortcut list in setting says that:

  • Shift+Super+Page-up/down moves the current window to another workspace
  • Super+Page-up/down moves me to another workspace

But I can emulate the same behaviors by using:

  • Ctrl+Alt+Shift+up/down arrow to move windows
  • Ctrl+Alt+up/down arrow to move me to another workspace

Why is this a problem

Two reasons:

  • I don't seem to find a way to find/unbind the second set of shortcuts
  • They happen to clash with some shortcuts in Visual Studio Code.
    More specifically Ctrl+Alt+up/down arrow are combinations to copy entire lines above or below the current line.


Am I missing something obvious? If not, is this solvable in some way? I really don't see the point in having two different combinations to do the exact same thing. :P

Thanks a lot!


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