
How to disable annoying folder highlighting at mouseover (hovering)

pk flag

Concerning the Ubuntu Gnome Desktop and folder highlighting: when I move my mouse pointer across a folder and then in an application window close to that folder - the folder stays highlighted, although I am no longer over that folder. This annoys me because it does not work right in my opinion, at times the desktop looks quite chaotic and several folders are highlighted.

enter image description here

Is there a way to either fix this or to completely turn off the folder highlighting by mouseover?

I am on Ubuntu 20.04 with Gnome-Desktop. Thank you!

galexite avatar
pk flag
Does this only occur when you move your mouse on to a window, from hovering over an icon on the desktop?
Roncalli23 avatar
pk flag
@galexite it also occurs if I move the mouse on the upper system bar and the dock on the left side. I think it is the general way Ubuntu behaves, I have Version 18.04 on another Computer and it behaves the same way

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