
Juju Openstack Install Won't Run on Only One Node

pt flag

I'm trying to install Openstack on only one node, and I tried using the openstack-charmer lxd method, but the issue is that they seem to launch 3 times ceph-osd and ceph-mon machines. I modified the script to only launch one of everything(repo here).

However, the when checking juju, the ceph-osd says that it is still looking for 3 ceph-osd peers, and the whole install fails. Any ways to modify the juju openstack install script to not look for any other peers?

cn flag

It's possible (apparently), but not advised, to not run three ceph-mon units and three ceph-osd units. I've seen strange things happen. But if you want to try then you need to change the following configuration options of the ceph-mon charm:

  1. monitor-count
  2. expected-osd-count

For example:

juju config ceph-mon monitor-count=1
juju config ceph-mon expected-osd-count=1
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