
Rhythmbox Playlist

in flag

Since there is no more Banshee available on Ubuntu installations I am trying to make a feature work that I loved about Banshee. The "Playing all songs by adding a new song picked randomly from all of your collection to the play queue if one song is finished playing or got removed" but not more than e.g. 10, except you put it there intentionally. That gave the opportunity to intervene with the random selection, but if you did't there always was a next song. If I search for that on the internet it comes up with no suitable results. So far I did not manage to implement that behaviour to rhythmbox (that does a great job except lagging this feature).

Is there a player supporting such a playlist feature? Or, is there a way of using Banshee in current Ubuntu distro? Or, is there any interest in supporting the creation of such a rhythmbox plugin?

Cheers. chra


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