
Turning off all password prompts for specific user

cn flag

I'm looking to turn off all password authentication prompts for a specific user (let's say Steve) on my Ubuntu 21.04 machine.

I added the line steve ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL using sudo visudo and that removed the need to authenticate Steve's password when using sudo commands. However, I still get password authentication prompts when using GUI applications such as Ubuntu Software.

Is there a way to turn these prompts off just for Steve? I still want the other accounts to receive the prompts.

hr flag
Possibly something like this: [How do I prevent PolicyKit from asking for a password?]( You'd probably want `Identity=unix-user:steve` rather than `Identity=unix-group:admin`. Disclaimer - I haven't tried it.
Dan avatar
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@steeldriver That worked perfectly thanks for the help. Do you want to leave it as an answer so I can mark the question as closed?
hr flag
Feel free to add your own answer since you've actually verified it - I was guessing about the details
cn flag

Thanks to steeldriver's comment and user55572's answer for this answer.

Replace steve with your own user name.

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Run sudo usermod -aG sudo steve

  3. Run sudo gedit /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/disable-passwords.pkla

  4. Add

    [Do anything you want]
  5. Save the file and close


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