
Causes and consequences of "/dev/sdb3: Inodes that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found" error?

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Recently had to fix a

/dev/sdb3: Inodes that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found

error (using the info here: by simply running the fsck /dev/sdb3 in the initramfs console at boot and just entering in 'y' for all of the FIX prompts.

My question is: Any way to check what could have caused this? What are the possible consequences now of this error (ie. could I now have missing or corrupted data)? Is there any way to check for this now that I can successfully boot and log into my Ubuntu (18.04.5 LTS) OS?

* Context: Recently shutdown my Ubuntu (18.04.5 LTS) system and pressing F12 as it was shutting down I could see that there was a "MySQL Community" process (IDK for what) that was trying to shut down, but the timeout counter was set to go on for 10min, so I forced the shutdown by holding the power-off button. After trying to restart the computer after that, I saw that the screen stayed black. Trying again later, it took me to the initramfs console. Some images of the fsck output are below:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here


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