
Ubuntu 21.4, how to update everything from the command line?

fr flag

Just wondering... To update my system, I normally run sudo apt update followed by sudo apt upgrade if necessary. I believe this should keep my system reasonably up-to-date. However, these commands do nothing with the snap system. I have a desktop item that I have named updates, that runs the command update-manager. When I click on that item, I get a message telling me it's checking for updates, often followed by a message mentioning snaps. What am I missing? I thought the snap system was supposed to autoupdate without me doing anything. The man page for update-manager mentions nothing about snaps, so I am a bit confused. Anyone who knows?


As asked, the output of sudo grep storehelpers /var/log/syslog is just this line repeated:

Aug  6 14:08:43 puta snapd[613]: storehelpers.go:551: cannot refresh: snap has no updates available: "core18", "gnome-3-34-1804", "gtk-common-themes", "snap-store", "snapd"

Guess my question was not precise enough – what I want to know is if the two apt lines I mentioned is enough to keep my system up-to-date!

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Please add to your Question above the final 10 lines of output of `sudo grep storehelpers /var/log/syslog`
user535733 avatar
cn flag
Since "*a message mentioning snaps*" could mean anything, we asked for clarification. Your snapd is operating properly. And now you know how to check.
cn flag

For most users, no action at all is needed to keep their Ubuntu system safely up-to-date.

  • Unattended Upgrades installs security patches in Deb packages.
  • Non-security Deb upgrades are optional.
  • Snapd automatically checks for and installs upgrades up to four times each day.

For your specific question, the only additional action your script does is to install those optional non-security Deb package upgrades. It might take credit for doing some security and snap upgrades a few hours before the automated tools would have handled those anyway.

So sure, tell your script that it's doing a great job and bake it a cake.

An alternative way to accomplish the same thing from the shell, with additional useful output:

sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo snap refresh

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