
Accidentally Disabled my Touchpad

eg flag

I Accidentally disabled my Touchpad on Ubuntu 20.04. How to enable it again I don't have external mouse.

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Your question should clearly explain how you managed to disable your touchpad. "Accidentally" implies a lack of intent, but doesn't help us understand the sequence of actions.
Dipu Chaurasiya avatar
eg flag
I installed Ubuntu yesterday. Its my first time. I was just checking the features and i clicked on Turn off touch pad.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
What exactly is stopping you from turning it back on?
br flag

you can open the terminal with keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T

then open the touchpad settings tab with the below command

gnome-control-center mouse

and then hit TAB until the switch on touchpad is active then hit Enter.

enter image description here

cn flag

There is a keyboard shortcut for this. Fn+F11 on my system (HP Omen)


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