
How to install ogre-meshviewer?

in flag

I'm trying to install ogre-meshviewer, but I get the following error:

(base) comp@comp:~$ sudo snap install ogre-meshviewer
snap "ogre-meshviewer" is already installed, see 'snap help
(base) comp@comp:~$ 
(base) comp@comp:~$ sudo ogre-meshviewer
mkdir: cannot create directory '/run/user/0': Permission denied
realpath: '': No such file or directory
realpath: '': No such file or directory
realpath: '': No such file or directory
realpath: '': No such file or directory
realpath: '': No such file or directory
realpath: '': No such file or directory
realpath: '': No such file or directory
realpath: '': No such file or directory
usage: [-h] [-c RESCFG] infile error: the following arguments are required: infile

How can I solve this?

ca flag

As the output of the sudo snap install ogre-meshviewer command informs you, ogre-meshviewer is successfully installed.

The error you get is because you try to run ogre-meshviewer without the required positional argument infile, which is an input file:

usage: [-h] [-c RESCFG] infile error: the following arguments are required: infile

So, if you run it as:

ogre-meshviewer /path/to/mesh_file

it should work correctly.

/path/to/mesh_file is, as expected, the path to a .mesh file (or any other supported format, i.e. .obj, .ply or .fbx) already existing in your system. The path can be either absolute or relative.

in flag
and how to save in .mesh ?? Example it was `ogre-meshviewer /home/comp/blender/ogre/korpys.obj` became `/home/comp/blender/ogre/korpys.mesh` ??
BeastOfCaerbannog avatar
ca flag
@timob256 I don't think that `ogre-meshviewer` has the ability to change the format of a file, for example from `.mesh` to `.obj`. As I understand it (I'm not familiar with it), it's just a viewer. You would need a different program to do that.

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