
no answer by boot repair

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I am running a dual boot system win10 + Ubuntu 21.04 but yesterday i encountered "busybody Ubuntu initramfs error" i fixed it by using fsck

and then today again i got the same error so I tried doing same but it then showed "Crash: systemd-journal failed to write entry. ignoring:read-only file system only" then i checked for smart check and scanned the disk it showed error saying self test failed. Now i was fed up with whats going on so i had seen somewhere that a fresh install is better then repair so i created a boot disk and reinstalled Ubuntu but saving existing data. because i cant backup it as i was not able to access it.

But the problem was i had reinstalled Ubuntu 21.04.16 and my system was 21.04.25 so i logged into old version and updated it. now it was not giving any errors at boot and i have tried to boot 2-3 times.

But now when i tried to open my screen it shows grub2 command line and i followed this but it doesn't work so i looked and found out boot repair can help me so i again opened my live USB and installed boot repair but there was no option only boot summary

Now I think that i have had enough so I am asking for help.If there is any output you need and i can provide please ask.

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Drive is failing, replace. it.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Your boot repair output shows an unclean file system on sda5 where Ubuntu is probably installed. It is usually an early symptom of drive failure when boot continually drops to BusyBox with file system errors, especially if you fix those file system errors and they keep happening. The file system converting to read-only is also an early warning of drive failure. If the issues also persist after a system reinstall, this is additional evidence to support drive failure. You may need to replace the drive.
Scilent Assasin avatar
um flag
But it is a new drive with runtime of just over 9 months and if it is failing can you provide how to backup it because I can't access system. Also for my windows smart disk check it is also saying drive is OK.
David avatar
cn flag
It can be 1 day old and fail.
Scilent Assasin avatar
um flag
So can I save the data and how can I backup Linux partition when I can't access it. Also my windows partition shows no problem and is working perfectly fine so is my drive detoriation contained only in the Linux partition.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Hard drives fail on a "bathtub curve". This is because some hardware can contain faults that cause it to fail prematurely. You can run Ubuntu in a live session from installation media (Try Ubuntu). If the drive is functioning well enough to be mounted and the data is accessible, you can use the file manager to copy files. Let this be a lesson that hardware can fail at any time and if you do not keep proper backups, it is not a matter of *if* but *when* you will lose your data.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Also, yes it is possible that the sectors that are failing right now are located on a part of the drive where Ubuntu is currently needing to read/write. It is not "contained" if it keeps happening because bad blocks will be marked as such and won't be used again. If the problem keeps occuring, it is because the file system is trying to use additional damaged sectors.

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