
Initramfs boot stuck

gb flag

I currently encounter the initramfs on boot "error". I tried several hours to recover from it.

At the first place I got the error, /dev/mapper/root does not exist. I got rid of that with this steps:

  1. Boot into a live distro.
  2. cryptsetup open /dev/nvmexxxx - get access to my nvme.
  3. mount the root, usr, tmp, var, dev, sys, proc and boot into /mnt.
  4. chroot /mnt
  5. execute this command update-initramfs -u -k all and than update-grub as well.
  6. reboot

Now I do not get any alerts at all and the prompt wont show up, where I can enter my password for the nvme to "unlock".

The only clue I have is, when I boot up in recovery mode. Cannot process volume group vg00. I am not able to find anything in the internet about this error. Also I checked my /etc/crypttab as well and there is the right UUID. I also checked /etc/fstab, if I named the tag from cryptsetup wrong, but this neither.

I also tried this bash script, but with no success.

-- Update output of vgdisplay vg00 -- | Name | Name | |:------:|:------:| |VG Name| vg00| |System ID| |
|Format| lvm2| |Metadata Areas| 1| |Metadata Sequence No| 11| |VG Access | read/write| |VG Status |resizable| |MAX LV | 0| |Cur LV | 6| |Open LV | 6| |Max PV | 0| |Cur PV | 1| |Act PV | 1| |VG Size | <476.27 GiB| |PE Size | 4.00 MiB| |Total PE | 121925| |Alloc PE / Size | 121925 / <476.27 GiB| |Free PE / Size | 0 / 0 | |VG UUID | affkCZ-Y9aU-7r3p-dTxo-5Y0A-u91e-Nhubij|

Thank in advance!

galexite avatar
pk flag
Can you add the output of `vgdisplay vg00` to your question?
gb flag

OK now I got everything to work. The solution below just worked for me, because a new linux version was available.

The solution was:

Do the steps I described earlier and be aware of the naming of the label while executing the cryptsetup open /dev/nvmexxxx command. To be sure, you have the right name, make a look up at /etc/crypttab. It should looks like something like this: label_name UUID=your_id none luks,discard. Write it done or remember the label_name. Reboot the system and manually unlock the disk with the exact same label_name. After that exit and it will boot normally into your OS. In your OS open a terminal and type in sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y. After that run the command sudo update-initramfs -u -k all to update your initramfs. Now it should work.


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