
Succesful boot with displayed “trace” - why? Impending crash?

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Ubuntu 20.04 with dual boot: ubuntu on sda lvm full disk encryption and windows on sdb no encryption.

I'm always see the attached trace command displaying on screen - wondering how much longer before the system crashes.

After succesfull entering of credentials, more rapdily scrolling commands all in green with only one in red flashing by so quickly I can't capture it.

Any help much aprpeciatred on what this trace message means and does it fortel impending failure as well as how to capture the RED error message.

enter image description here

Charles Green avatar
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To me, this looks like the normal terminal output of Ubuntu booting, when the splash screen has been turned off. You can open a terminal window and use `journalctl -b` to examine the journal for the current boot, and `journalctl -b -p 3` to show warning level 'error' and higher/

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