
Swap partition crashed ubuntu 20.04.2

th flag

I was running triple boot, Windows 8.1, Garuda linux and Ubuntu 20.04, i removed Garuda linux, used boot repair to fix minor hiccups, and used MiniTool Partition wizard (on windows) to resize the swap partition of Ubuntu from 12gb to 8gb, as i need more space for storage, and thus Ubuntu isn't starting at all, used grub repair again, but it just goes all black after i select Ubuntu at grub menu.

galexite avatar
pk flag
Can you highlight the Ubuntu option in GRUB, press 'e', then remove `quiet splash` from the end of the linux line, and add `earlyprintk=efi,keep console=efi`, then press Ctrl+x to boot this configuration, and update your question with the output on the screen, surrounding the output in [code fences](
Nmath avatar
ng flag
You screwed up when you used Windows to alter partitions used by Ubuntu. Windows does not know how to read, write, or manage the file systems used by Ubuntu. You can try to boot into a root shell prompt with networking. If this is successful you can set up Ubuntu to use a swap file instead of a swap partition. You can search Ask Ubuntu for how to complete these tasks.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
See: and
oldfred avatar
cn flag
Confirm UUID of swap matches UUID of mount of swap in fstab. `cat /etc/fstab` & `lsblk -f`
Prerit Vishal avatar
th flag
I got it working, by booting using live-usb and deleting the linux-swap partition made using windows, and then created a new linux-swap partition using gparted, ran boot-repair once more and things went back to normal

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