Sometime in July, my computer stopped booting into Ubuntu. I found out that i could boot using the "Advanced Options for Ubuntu" but then the first option stopped working and i had to use the second and that went on until at some point i lost the ability to boot into Ubuntu altogether.
Later, i found i could boot using one of the recovery mode options (the second to last one) so i booted and changed the settings so the computer would never hibernate or turn off. I believe that the problem has something to do with my GPU drivers (which were installed during Ubuntu installation and when the problems started, i installed the drivers from the nvidia website).
Sometime in mid-September, I decided to re-install Ubuntu (note Ubuntu is installed on a SATA drive, Windows is installed on an NVME drive and all bootloaders are on the Windows drive). After the installation, I realized nothing had changed except for the fact that I could use any recovery option from the boot menu (there were only two recovery and two normal advanced boot options after reinstalling.
I then installed the nvidia drivers from the "Additional Drivers" application and when I tried to reboot, I found out I could only use the last recovery option. On a side note, I have tried everything user bw3u suggested with no success.
Is there any way to fix the problem and is there any chance the GPU has partially failed?
Additional information: When i try to boot, i get the HP logo but no Ubuntu logo, then a black screen and nothing happens. With some "Advanced Options" i get a blinking cursor which freezes and then sometimes the computer boots (I think there are times when the cursor doesn't freeze and that's when the computer boots).
With one specific boot option, i get both the HP and Ubuntu logos, then the screen brightness changes, and after a few seconds i get a black screen and nothing happens. i have Windows 10 as a secondary OS and it boots just fine.
My computer is a HP Pavilion Gaming 15-dk1013nv.
inxi -G
Device-1: Intel UHD Graphics driver: N/A
Device-2: NVIDIA driver: N/A
Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.11 driver: fbdev
unloaded: modesetting,vesa resolution: 1920x1080~77Hz
OpenGL: renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.0 256 bits) v: 4.5 Mesa 21.0.3
I got these while the computer was booted with the last recovery option.