
How can i regain access to my files on my server

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I switched user after creating a user on my server from root, I then blocked root log in, shortly after during my setup I wanted to push to github but the ssh public key permission was denied, I then tried to change permissions to allow mw have access here is what I got

`chmod go-rx bal`
`chmod: changing permissions of 'bal': Operation not permitted`

I used super user do nothing still happened, it brought the same error. I then wanted to switch user but I was unable to here is what happened

`su root`
`su: Authentication failure`

This is the error I got when I tried pushing to github, which is why I started trying to change my user permissions:

`/var/www/app$ sudo git push origin master`
`[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey).`
`fatal: Could not read from remote repository.`

`Please make sure you have the correct access rights`
`and the repository exists.`

Help me on this too Currently now I can't even login to my server again using my user and root after I changed my /.ssh files permission to a+rwx

this is the error I get when i try to login to my server now

`ssh [email protected]`
`[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey).`

Please help me to regain full access to my files and I didn't remember given my root any password except the new user I created. Please help me it's my final year project and I'm to submit by the end of this month.

Nmath avatar
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is your user added to sudoers? do you know your password?
Abayomi Usman avatar
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yes i know my password but i don't know if i'm added to sudo doers
Abayomi Usman avatar
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infact my user doeas not have sudo priviledges and i've blocked myself from root login
Abayomi Usman avatar
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i tried showing my origin url using `git remote show origin` i got the same error i got while trying to change permissions and i've disabled root login to my server i'm so perplexed
pLumo avatar
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If you run `su root`, it asks for `root` password, which is not set by default. You want `sudo su -` or simply `sudo -i`. Private keys in `.ssh` need permission 600.
Abayomi Usman avatar
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i don't understand please explain further
Abayomi Usman avatar
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right now i can no longer communicate with my server
Abayomi Usman avatar
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how do i do this now if i run sudo -i on my remote system, would i be able to login on my server again?
pLumo avatar
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Ask the support to fix the permissions of files in `.ssh`. Nothing we can do. The provider might have web-based ssh-interface where you can possibly log in.
Abayomi Usman avatar
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you mean ubuntu support?
Abayomi Usman avatar
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or my hosting company support
pLumo avatar
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your hosting company.
Abayomi Usman avatar
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ok thank you very much

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