
Audio Interface Drivers not compatible with Ubuntu. Suddenly stopped working

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I restarted my computer after having Ubuntu running for the past day perfectly fine

I just restarted and now there's no audio and it's not recognizing my speakers anymore

I have a behringer 404HD and the audio drivers do not within Ubuntu or Linux they only work in windows 10

I'm not sure how to fix this

when I installed Ubuntu I had clicked the install 3rd party software option

Then when I was configuring Ubuntu I did the auto delete command and I'm wondering if that removed the audio drivers

I'm new to Ubuntu and LInux in general

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
When dual-booting with Windows, disabling its Fast Startup "feature" is a must. So, before anything else do that and shutdown Windows. I don't know what "auto delete command"you actually used. If it was `sudo apt autoremove` then no, it has nothing to do with drivers.
Austin avatar
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@ChanganAuto fast boot is disabled already
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Fast Boot (UEFI) is also recommended to be disabled but that has nothing to do with Fast Startup (Windows).
Austin avatar
gf flag
@ChanganAuto sorry yes, Fast Boot UEFI and Fast startup Windows are both disabled. The issue is entirely with Ubuntu.
ChanganAuto avatar
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Some reading:
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I'm not sure what happened but,

I unplugged the cable about 50 times and on the 50th time it just started working again

no clue what happened


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