I'm trying to follow this tutorial but I'm using Ubuntu 21.04:
When I run the second command:
sudo tpm2_nvdefine -s 64 0x1500016
I get the error:
WARNING:esys:src/tss2-esys/api/Esys_NV_DefineSpace.c:337:Esys_NV_DefineSpace_Finish() Received TPM Error
ERROR:esys:src/tss2-esys/api/Esys_NV_DefineSpace.c:122:Esys_NV_DefineSpace() Esys Finish ErrorCode (0x000009a2)
ERROR: Failed to define NV area at index 0x1500016
ERROR: Esys_NV_DefineSpace(0x9A2) - tpm:session(1):authorization failure without DA implications
ERROR: Failed to create NV index 0x1500016.
ERROR: Unable to run tpm2_nvdefine
I have also tried:
sudo tpm2_clear
which resulted in:
WARNING:esys:src/tss2-esys/api/Esys_Clear.c:291:Esys_Clear_Finish() Received TPM Error
ERROR:esys:src/tss2-esys/api/Esys_Clear.c:97:Esys_Clear() Esys Finish ErrorCode (0x0000098e)
ERROR: Esys_Clear(0x98E) - tpm:session(1):the authorization HMAC check failed and DA counter incremented
ERROR: Unable to run tpm2_clear
which lead me to look at the status:
$ sudo tpm2_getcap properties-variable | egrep 'TPM2_PT_(MAX|LOCKOUT).*'
I have also tried:
sudo tpm2_dictionarylockout --setup-parameters --max-tries=4294967295 --clear-lockout
which also results in a similar error:
WARNING:esys:src/tss2-esys/api/Esys_DictionaryAttackLockReset.c:288:Esys_DictionaryAttackLockReset_Finish() Received TPM Error
ERROR:esys:src/tss2-esys/api/Esys_DictionaryAttackLockReset.c:98:Esys_DictionaryAttackLockReset() Esys Finish ErrorCode (0x00000921)
ERROR: Esys_DictionaryAttackLockReset(0x921) - tpm:warn(2.0): authorizations for objects subject to DA protection are not allowed at this time because the TPM is in DA lockout mode
ERROR: Unable to run tpm2_dictionarylockout
I have also tried the first command from the tpm2-tools tutorial on disk encryption here: https://tpm2-software.github.io/2020/04/13/Disk-Encryption.html
which says:
sudo tpm2_createprimary -Q -C o -c prim.ctx
and results in a similar error:
WARNING:esys:src/tss2-esys/api/Esys_CreatePrimary.c:393:Esys_CreatePrimary_Finish() Received TPM Error
ERROR:esys:src/tss2-esys/api/Esys_CreatePrimary.c:135:Esys_CreatePrimary() Esys Finish ErrorCode (0x000009a2)
ERROR: Esys_CreatePrimary(0x9A2) - tpm:session(1):authorization failure without DA implications
ERROR: Unable to run tpm2_createprimary
I've google all these errors but can't find an understandable explanation. There's a lot of information out there but from tpm-tools and/or with completely incorrect parameters. It seems that the tpm2_* commands change very quickly!
Does this mean my TPM has been disabled or locked out?
I notice that tpm2_takeownership is no longer in the Ubuntu package (and not in 20.04 either) so other solutions I've found around the internet won't work (unless I install it from source), but I figure this isn't expected if it isn't in the package.
Other things (like tpm2_pcrread) thrown no errors. So is it possible that my TPM is readable but not writeable? How can I reset it or is this a manufacturer's setting or something I need to do in BIOS to make it writeable?