
Ubuntu won't boot: no irq handler for vector

ky flag

I had been using Manjaro for almost a year, but suddenly one day it started showing a lot of 'audit' messages on the second screen, you know, that 'no irq handler for vector' thing, and just stuck there. It only booted properly after 15-20 attempts. I had seen somewhere that Arch-based distros are known for their sudden issues, so I decided to install PopOS.

The Live USB also kept showing those audit messages along with the [OK] messages and didn't move ahead. I tried multiple USB drives multiple times on different ports. It just didn't work. Then I started getting bad feelings for Linux and installed Windows 7, as well as to see if it's only Linux that's being problematic, and Windows got installed without a problem.

However, I didn't want Windows, so I decided to install Ubuntu, because it's quite established and is known for its stability. Ubuntu got installed, worked fine for a few days, and I was really enjoying the interface, but then again, it too started showing those 'audit' messages instead of booting normally.

I haven't been able to get it to boot after numerous attempts. It's hard to keep a backup of my data because it becomes quite large, and I need my laptop for daily use. I don't want to go back to Windows, so please somebody help me. I said it's a unique issue because I tried googling, but to no avail. Please don't let my love for Linux die.

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, on an HP Pavilion G6, with AMD Radeon Graphics, and an AMD A8 processor

vn flag
HI Kadar! Welcome to AskUbuntu! It sounds like you may be having a hardware issue that's not specific to Ubuntu. Are you able to upload a photo of the messages you're getting? If you can't, can you be more specific as to the wording of these "Audit" messages.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You've provided no release details; Pop OS & Manjaro are off-topic here, but you've not been specific as to which Ubuntu product you're talking about (a server, desktop, or core product, which release etc). Ubuntu LTS releases also come with two kernels stack choices, so being as specific as possible helps us to understand your issue & offer useful suggestions.
Kadar Khan avatar
ky flag
I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, on an HP Pavilion G6, with AMD Radeon Graphics, and an AMD A8 processor.
Kadar Khan avatar
ky flag
I'm sorry but I don't see an option to upload a picture here.
Kadar Khan avatar
ky flag
The kernels are 5.8 and 5.11 as it shows under Advanced Options for Ubuntu.
Kadar Khan avatar
ky flag
Is there any way I can disable audit using GRUB command line?
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You currently don't have enough *rep* to upload pictures, however you can provide URLs where pictures can be viewed. You didn't say if desktop or server, but 5.8 & 5.11 imply you're using the HWE stack option with 20.04; if the 5.8 kernel works, the easiest work-around will be switching to the GA kernel stack (ie. return to 5.4 which is supported the entire life of 20.04). ie. and search for the "*To downgrade from HWE/OEM to GA kernel: *" section. You don't need to remove HWE as both stacks can exist on your system (select at grub)
ky flag

It probably was a hardware issue. I thoroughly cleaned the RAM ports and HDD ports, and apparently the problem seems to have been solved for the moment.

Kadar Khan avatar
ky flag
It's started happening again; clearing the ports doesn't work anymore.

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