
How to Speed up my PC?

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Hello Everyone

How can I speed up my Asus X555LA Laptop while developing apps from Next JS and VS code . So while developing such React and Next JS apps my laptop hangs a lot. My Laptop's configurations are:

Ram : 4gb

CPU : Intel® Core™ i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz × 4

Graphics : Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (HSW GT2)

Disk Space: 500gb

OS Name: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

OS Type: 64 bit

Gnome Version : 3.36.8

Windowing System : x11

I Tried Updating my Ram but I dont get 8gb ram due to the lockdown. so upgradation of my hardware will not be possible right now.

Thankyou in Advance

us flag
This is very similar to Try increasing swap as explained there. Also consider switching to Xubuntu or Lubuntu.
FedKad avatar
cn flag
You seem to be at the minimum configuration for Ubuntu: Assuming that you do not want to switch to a lighter flavor of Ubuntu and you have a hard disk, you can switch to an SSD and add swap.
Keval Shah avatar
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Thats right but I cant switch other operating system and cant upgrade my laptop components
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Does this answer your question? [How to remove GNOME Shell from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to install other desktop environment from scratch?]( or install other desktop alongside, wide spectrum exists - from plaint Openbox to LXDE, MATE or Xfce.
Keval Shah avatar
nu flag
I have 2gb Swap and How can I make it 4gb
us flag
@KevalShah Check out the link I shared above. There is a detailed answer explaining how to increase swap. Note that swap is inherently slow, increasing it may not change performance too much.
FedKad avatar
cn flag
Replacing a hard disk with an SSD is a relatively easy process. After replacing your disk, it will be more meaningful to use swap.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Using an old HDD is the major bottleneck here indeed.

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