As a direct solution on PDF (no manual image extraction):
Using ocrmypdf
to restore OCR (as mentioned at the end of the complementary part of this answer) I have noticed that ocrmypdf -h
shows an option which sounded like exactly what is asked:
--remove-background Attempt to remove background from gray or color pages, setting it to white
The initial pdf already had OCR, which gives an error unless one of the following options are used:
-f, --force-ocr Rasterize any text or vector objects on each page, apply OCR, and save the rastered output (this rewrites the PDF)
-s, --skip-text Skip OCR on any pages that already contain text, but include the page in final output; useful for PDFs that contain a mix of images, text pages, and/or previously OCRed pages
Applying each separately to one of my large files with hundreds of pages that already had OCR crashed the process.
The best solution seems to me to first print to pdf the initial file (which removes OCR), and then do
ocrmypdf input.pdf output.pdf -l <LANG> --remove-background -v
For English, the -l
option is not needed. -v
is for verbose details in terminal.
The resulted pdf is larger than the input (because of the --remove-background
option): reduce the size as said below.
About Scan Tailor, as a complement to the main answer
Even its icon illustrates the fact that it is intended exactly for what is asked here:

Here is how to use Scan Tailor with pdfs:
- Extract all pdf pages as image files - because this tool doesn't process pdf directly and needs images. Master PDF Editor can do this but on my machine it crashes after extracting about 80 images. But it can still be used by setting a new batch/range of pages to be extracted. (PDF Mod crashed before any processing). What I prefer after a few trials is a CLI reliable albeit slower method, with a command like:
pdftoppm MY_PDF.pdf NAME -tiff
- as said here. — Other variables can be used instead of tiff
(which gives tif
files), for example png
or jpeg
. See here a set of Dolphin service menu actions for the various extraction options:
[Desktop Entry]
X-KDE-Submenu=PDF action: EXTRACT ALL pages
[Desktop Action pdf]
Name=Extract pages as pdf
Exec=bash -c 'pdf=$(pdftk "%u" burst); kdialog --title "Extract pages" --msgbox "Extracted! $pdf";';
[Desktop Action tif]
Name=Extract pages as tif
Exec=bash -c 'f="%u"; pdf=$(pdftoppm "$f" "${f%%.*}" -tiff); kdialog --title "Extract pages" --msgbox "Extracted! $pdf";';
[Desktop Action jpeg]
Name=Extract pages as jpeg
Exec=bash -c 'f="%u"; pdf=$(pdftoppm "$f" "${f%%.*}" -jpeg); kdialog --title "Extract pages" --msgbox "Extracted! $pdf";';
- Load and process the resulting images in Scan Tailor. Put resulting image files in a separate folder and add that folder under New Project>Input Directory in Scan Tailor. (I have installed that program from PPA, as said in a comment by @N0rbert under the main answer.) Some pages containing real images and not text might look better if for each of them is selected "Grayscale and Color" instead of the default "Black and white" (meant here for text). Run one by one the listed procedures. Check the pages before running the last one ("Output").

- Create a new pdf out of the resulting images. (First check the resulted
files are as you want them.) There are many ways to create a new pdf. Again the GUI tools that I've tried very soon crashed or gave odd results, so I prefer to put the resulting tif
files in a separate folder and there run the command img2pdf *.tif -o out.pdf
- as said here. (This may need proper naming/numbering of the files. More on that here.)
The resulting "tailored" pdf will be smaller than the initial one, but the percentage of the size reduction varies depending on factors that I ignore (but I imagine that the pages contained in the initial pdf should be extracted — at step 1 — in the format they already have; I think jpeg
and tif
should be used instead of png
; use pdfimages -list your.pdf
in terminal to see details on format, dpi and other details before processing with the commands above and below).
The final pdf can be further reduced with a command like:
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook \
-dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf
More details on that, here.
Here is a set of Dolphin service menu actions based on the above link:
[Desktop Entry]
X-KDE-Submenu=PDF action: SHRINK
[Desktop Action shrink]
Name=Shrink pdf to "printer" size, 300dpi
Exec=bash -c 'f="%u"; pdf=$(gs -dQUIET -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -sOutputFile="${f%.pdf}_printer.pdf" "$f"); kdialog --title "Shrink" --msgbox "Done! $pdf";';
[Desktop Action shrink0]
Name=Shrink pdf to "prepress" size, 300dpi
Exec=bash -c 'f="%u"; pdf=$(gs -dQUIET -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sOutputFile="${f%.pdf}_prepress.pdf" "$f"); kdialog --title "Shrink" --msgbox "Done! $pdf";';
[Desktop Action shrink1]
Name=Shrink pdf to "ebook size, 150dpi
Exec=bash -c 'f="%u"; pdf=$(gs -dQUIET -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -sOutputFile="${f%.pdf}_small.pdf" "$f"); kdialog --title "Shrink" --msgbox "Done! $pdf";';
[Desktop Action shrink2]
Name=Shrink pdf to "screen" size, 72dpi
Exec=bash -c 'f="%u"; pdf=$(gs -dQUIET -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -sOutputFile="${f%.pdf}_smaller.pdf" "$f"); kdialog --title "Shrink" --msgbox "Done! $pdf";';
I got some help from this answer too.
OCR (text search and copy capability) is lost during the above procedure, if present in the initial pdf. In order to get OCR, use
ocrmypdf input.pdf output.pdf
for English, as said here. For other languages, look for them with apt-cache search tesseract-ocr
, and install them. Add -l <LANG>
at the end of the command for specific languages; more here; see their names also here.
Here is a Dolphin service menu action for Romanian OCR with two options (one with progress in terminal and fixed output name, the other with background process but with output name based on input; I would like to have both process in terminal and output name based on input but don't know how; if someone can do it, please post here!). For English, replace "Romanian" and remove the -l ron
[Desktop Entry]
X-KDE-Submenu=PDF action: apply OCR
[Desktop Action ocr1]
Name=Apply OCR Romanian (see progress in terminal; output name: ocr_ro.pdf!)
Exec=konsole --noclose -e ocrmypdf "%u" ocr_ro.pdf -l ron
[Desktop Action ocr2]
Name=Apply OCR Romanian (backgroud process: NO terminal! input>output name)
Exec=bash -c 'f="%u"; ocrmypdf "$f" "${f%.pdf}_ocr.pdf" -l ron;'
(Extracting and processing images, as well as 'printing as pdf' removes OCR, but reducing size with ghostscript as above does not, so the "shrinking" can be applied before or after the OCR.)