I followed the instructions here to enable Hangeul (Korean) typing on my Ubuntu 20.04 installation using IBusHangul.
Everything works perfectly fine except in TeXworks and TeXmaker. In both programs, if I switch to the Korean keyboard layout, pressing backspace produces the character (
, pressing the left arrow key produces q
, and pressing the right arrow key produces s
. (Notice these are fixed-width character entities instead of the usual (
, q
, and s
I thought this issue was particular to TeXworks, but searching around, I found people reporting similar issues with Vim and Vi (both links are in Korean, unfortunately). In the former case, the reported solution was to make the following changes to the Vim config:
set number " show line numbers
set tabstop=4 " set tab to 4 spaces
set ignorecase " ignore case in text searches
set hlsearch " highlight text when searching
set nocompatible " move using arrow keys
set fileencodings=utf-8,euc-kr " encoding to use when saving files: utf-8, euc-kr
set fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,euc-kr " Korean files in euc-kr, Unicode files in utf-8
set bs=indent,eol,start " make backspace usable
set ruler " show location in the status bar
set title " show title
set showmatch " show matching brackets
syntax on " syntax highlighting
Which of these settings are actually necessary for Korean input to work, and how can I achieve the same in TeXworks (and TeXmaker)?
Is it possible to avoid using the obsolete EUC-KR encoding?
- Ubuntu version: 20.04
- TeXworks version: 0.6.6 (MiKTeX 21.6)
- TeXmaker version: 5.0.3
- IBus version: IBus 1.5.22
Perhaps the issue is with the Qt framework, which is used by both TeXworks and TeXmaker.