
is it a good idea to use "sudo bash -c" instead of "sudo" forever?

kz flag

1st of all, we are talking about Debian/Ubuntu OS only.

2nd of all, we are talking about a non-root user with sudo privilege only.

So question is,

Is there any occasion that can not use sudo bash -c 'command' but only sudo command ?

is it a good idea to use sudo bash -c instead of sudo forever?

hr flag
I’m voting to close this question because it has been asked on multiple sites: [is it a good idea to use “sudo bash -c” instead of “sudo” forever?](
tmp avatar
kz flag
@steeldriver I'm sorry about that, I'm new to here, I was so confused that which site my questions were supposed to belong to, it's always so hard to make a proper choice for me. but seems like I just got the "answer".
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Also note this is a Ubuntu site, for Ubuntu and *official* flavors of Ubuntu (ie. so your use of Debian pulled you off-tpoic for this site. Many of us may *love* and *use* Debian, but you should remain within site guidelines (you maybe accessing this site using your Ubuntu SSO/signon, but it's a Stack Exchange site, so questions should not be asked on other SE sites)
cw flag

If you are not using bash, then bash -c runs the command with bash, and sudo command runs the command with your shell.

If you are using bash, then bash -c creates another bash for you to run your script in, which may actually cause problems regarding variables.

Try this example

echo $S
bash -c echo $S

You will get different output!

tmp avatar
kz flag
Thanks for your good example, just reminds me of the quote```"```, we usually use ```bash -c "echo $S" ``` with quote, and I actually get the same output in this case as well.
Shu Shang avatar
cw flag
Well, not using the bash -c version won't do you any harm and it won't cause you the trouble of quoting, which, if you happen to forget, can cause disaster.
bac0n avatar
cn flag
@ShuShang not sure what you are trying to describe, `-c` takes a 'command string' and, any following arguments will be assigned as positional parameters starting from `$0`, in this case, `$S` will become `$0` which is used as the name of the script, e.g., `bash -c nonexistent $S` will give you `2: line 1: nonexistent: command not found`.
bac0n avatar
cn flag
@tmp in most cases, you should use single quotes, or `$S` will be expanded by the current shell before `bash -c` interprets the command string. A general construct could look something like: `bash -c 'echo "$@"' my-bash 1 2 3 4`.
tmp avatar
kz flag
@bac0n But I still don't know why, in this example above, only bash -c " echo $S " or bash -c " echo ' $S ' " or bash -c " echo " $S " " will work, get the same outputs as echo $S = 2 , that would be another question of mine, what's exactly the quotes of bash -c itselves for? Do they effect straightly the command inside of them?

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