
Tomcat 9 port 8080 no access after installing Filemaker

in flag

OS: Ubuntu Server 18.04 Software: *Claris Filemaker Server 19(Installing Java automatically with needed other *dependancies) / *360Works Mirrorsync 6 / *Tomcat 9


I run fms(Filemaker Server) with 360works mirrorsync. Single server to fm go clients.

I need to setup tomcat in order to get mirrorsync to work. The tomcat installation steps that the mirrorsync support staff refer to requires steps where i need to log into the server-public-ip:8080 to test and see if tomcat is installed correctly. (

I get tomcat running but im stuck at step 6: testing via server-public-ip:8080(this happens only if i install fms first. But if i start a clean ubuntu server and load java manually”required by tomcat installation”, then tomcat, i get access to my server-public-ip:8080 without issues….. but then as soon as i load fms, that server-public-ip:8080 is no longer available(Webppage cannot be displayed)

This tells me there possibly something within fms blocking that port.

I have tried ufw allow 8080 and get positive response that it the rule is created.(See the steps in my mentioned link to install Tomcat 9) The firewall in ubuntu 18.04 confuses me a little because:


sudo firewall-cmd --list-all: Output: public target: default icmp-block-inversion: no interfaces: sources: services: ssh dhcpv6-client ports: 80/tcp 443/tcp 5003/tcp 16000/tcp 2399/tcp protocols: masquerade: no forward-ports: source-ports: icmp-blocks: rich rules:

IF I: sudo ufw status Output: Inactive

IF I: sudo ufw status verbose Result: To Action From

8080 ALLOW IN Anywhere
8080 (v6) ALLOW IN Anywhere (v6)

Ive done multiple installations and reloaded completely in different orders, FMS then Tomcat.... and Tomcat then FMS...

James S. avatar
de flag
Have you inspected the Tomcat logs? they should be in /var/log/tomcat

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