
Sinhala Unicode Pack re-Installation

gb flag

Here are my OS details:

Ubuntu version - 20.04.2 LTS

Type - 64 bit

GNOME Version - 3.36.8

I'm new to ubuntu. I accidentally deleted the Sinhala language folder while (having fun), changing fonts/ themes, etc. I've tried various solutions given as "Installing Sinhala Unicode Pack" but no success. Now Sinhala letters are showing as this; enter image description here

Here are the commands I tried

sudo apt-get install ibus-m17n language-pack-si
sudo apt-get install ttf-sinhala-lkmug ibus im-switch ibus-m17n m17n-db m17n-contrib language-pack-si-base

This is what I get

enter image description here

zw flag

You have to select correct package names for your Ubuntu version. Blind googling will not give correct results.

Preliminary package list maybe generated by check-language-support -l si and using package search for sinhala.

So you can install these packages by

sudo apt install --reinstall firefox-locale-si hunspell-si language-pack-gnome-si language-pack-si libreoffice-l10n-si
sudo apt install $(apt-cache search sinhala | awk '{print $1}')

and finally to install actual packages for ibus and m17n use command below:

sudo apt install ibus-m17n ibus im-switch ibus-m17n m17n-db
Chanuka Naveen Koswatta avatar
gb flag
check-language-support -l si gives 0 results. what should i do
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
This means that they are installed. If unsure run `sudo apt install --reinstall firefox-locale-si hunspell-si language-pack-gnome-si language-pack-si libreoffice-l10n-si` .
Chanuka Naveen Koswatta avatar
gb flag
with the help of the packages you linked, I tried installing, it made no effect, then I just purged the whole package and reinstalled it. now it is working. thank u

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