
After Fdisk, kernel panic

in flag

I have been working on a virtual machine with Ubuntu 20.04 using virtual box.

I had indeed some problems with installing and uninstalling MySQL, but I have seen no issue up to the point when I got an error at a certain point while starting my VM, and I got on stack overflow that it had to been connected to a partitions.

I run the command fdisk disk/dva BUT I accidentally pressed (no) n a couple of times AND since it has never rebooted or powered off I clicked on the X and closed the machine.

I reopened the VM and got

Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00007f00

Can some good soul help me? All my work is there.

David avatar
cn flag
There is no Ubuntu version 20.4
Jon avatar
us flag
Sound like to me that you did something to the machine that made it unbootable by accident. Can you share a screenshot of the kernel panic?

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