
Unable to upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to 20.04

cl flag

I need to upgrade ubuntu 16.04 to 20.04. When I use graphic interface, a pop-up windows tells me that all is updated and Ubuntu tells me that 18.04 must be installed first that it is normal.

But when I click nothing happens.

When I use the command line : sudo do-release-upgrade I have the message :

Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading.

I don't understand. Anyone has an idea ?

Sorry for my bad english

FedKad avatar
cn flag
16.04 is no longer supported. You should reinstall.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You need to ensure your *xenial* or 16.04 system is fully-upgraded before you can *release-upgrade*. The error message is telling you that you haven't applied all 16.04 upgrades. I'd suggest `sudo apt update` & read the messages, ensure there are no errors (or lines are missing), then `sudo apt full-upgrade` and providing all upgrades are applied (*and no sources are missing from the `apt update` you ran earlier*), you may need to reboot, then the `do-release-upgrade` should work.
FedKad avatar
cn flag
@guiverc How the OP will be able to do `apt update`, since 16.04 is not supported?
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Because of ESM the repositories are still available (some mirrors may not be, but the main archive is at least as are many mirrors). @FedonKadifeli
C.S.Cameron avatar
cn flag
Upgrading Ubuntu 16.04 or older to a currently supported version of Ubuntu such as 20.04 **is on topic* on Ask Ubuntu. see the help page:
cl flag

Thanks you very much.

Yes, in fact, I had errors during sudo apt update. So I remove some deposits (skype and others). Now it's ok. I can upgrade 16.04 to 18.04.

FedKad avatar
cn flag
Please, add extra information to your "answer" after you do the upgrade to 18.04, and then, after you upgrade to 20.04.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
If you plan to end up at 20.04, upgrading to 18.04 then immediately upgrading to 20.04 is a bad idea. You are better off cleanly installing 20.04
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Don't forget to reboot in 18.04 at least, (*I would also check out the system there before your next upgrade*) then perform your next `do-release-upgrade`
cn flag

You need to ensure your xenial or 16.04 system is fully-upgraded before you can release-upgrade.

The error message is telling you that you haven't applied all 16.04 upgrades.

I'd suggest

sudo apt update

and read the messages, ensure there are no errors (or lines are missing), then

sudo apt full-upgrade

and providing all upgrades are applied (and no sources are missing from the apt update you ran earlier), you may need to reboot, then the do-release-upgrade should work.

ai flag

use sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt full-upgrade and then upgrade to 18.04 and then to 20.04


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