Yes, you can. Still, it is recommended to have your operating systems all on the fastest drive, i.e., the SSD drive. This is what really makes for a general perceived strong increase in speed of your computer. In contrast, loading e.g. a Writer document from a slower drive will not "feel" much slower, except for very large files.
Even with an SSD as small as 125 GB, it is wise to preferentially place your operating systems on them. 25-30 GB for linux is adequate for the linux system files and some user configuration data. You could then place your actual user files on the hard drive, either on a dedicated partition, or on an ntfs partition that you share with the Windows installation. That way, you can access all data from both operating systems. Linux has a system of symbolic links, which allows to redirect a folder to an entirely different partition/drive without making any difference from the viewpoint of the user, i.e., data remain accessible in the same location in the file system. With this setup, your user files are on the hard drive. The user configuration data remain on the SSD.
A slightly more complex approach to set up is to partition part of the hard drive in a linux file system, and use that partition for the entire /home folder. Then, all user configuration data also will be located on the hard drive instead of the SSD. Another partition, formatted in ntfs, could then contain your user files, for access from within Linux and Windows.