
Help to complete a script (fake google IPs, maybe fail2ban)

mx flag

I monitored the google ip that accessed my server for a few years and identified these masks:

Then I created this script in php which I include in all my websites.

    if(cidr_match($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '') === false && cidr_match($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '') === false && cidr_match($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '') === false && cidr_match($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '') === false && cidr_match($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '') === false&& cidr_match($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], '') === false){ 
    $fake_google_ip_list = file_get_contents('function_global/ip_add_fwd.txt');

        if(strpos($fake_google_ip_list, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) === false){
            file_put_contents('function_global/ip_add_fwd.txt', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].PHP_EOL , FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);

The result is this file containing a list of IPs that pretend to be google and access my server with scam intentions.

Then I, more or less once a day, run this console command which adds all these ip to ufw:

while read line; do sudo ufw insert 1 deny from $line to any; done < /var/www/html/function_global/ip_add_fwd.txt

and upload a new blank file to the server.

I would like to automate this last part and maybe use fail2ban instead of filling more and more of ip, which may never come back, in ufw.

And I think I need a .sh script, or something similar, but I have no idea how to write it... (I am a php programmer and I only use ubuntu as a web server limited to what is necessary for the functioning of my sites).

The script should be:

  • callable with a crontab
  • add the ip list to ufw, or rather to fail2ban
  • empty the ip_add_fwd.txt file
  • maybe send me an email with the IPs list, just to know what it has done and be able to verify if it works correctly (the crontab outputs also arrive via email, so maybe an output would be enough?)

Can anyone help me write it or at least give me some hints to get started? I have no idea where to start, I tried to put pieces of some other files together, but it didn't go very well ... :(

jpbrain avatar
ca flag
Hello. Which web server software are you runiing?
alebal avatar
mx flag
apache web server
ca flag

You can try this approach.

For Apache, to Configure a webserver "jail" in fail2ban configuration, there is a guide: fail2ban with Apache

Here you can configure temporary bans for IPs and also there is a client fail2ban-client that you could call directly from your php script (need to check permissions) to ban IPs manually.

I think this will work better than the cron approach, but if you still want to go via shell:

#assuming one IP per line
while IFS= read -r line
    sudo ufw deny from $line to any;
done < "$input"

#This line will empty the file
echo "">"$input"

script with fail2ban

#assuming one IP per line
while IFS= read -r line
    #sudo ufw deny from $line to any;
    sudo fail2ban-client set apache-badbots banip $line;
done < "$input"

#This line will empty the file
echo "">"$input"  

#added by JP - Will list all banned IPs for apache-badbots
sudo fail2ban-client get apache-badbots banip --with-time;
alebal avatar
mx flag
Hi, I like fail2ban solution, its faster, lighter, wonderfull, but its hard to found something about it... I pratically found only this, and they stop at the configuration file. For me the problem is that there are a lot of file in /etc/fail2ban, what's the correct one? what .conf file want fail2ban-client. If i can figure out what .conf file use, i was thinking about a symlink, in a dir i can acces via php... would be possible?
alebal avatar
mx flag
Can you help me understand what file use and if its possible to use a symlink?
jpbrain avatar
ca flag
Hello. I do not understand your idea of a symlink. can you explain what you mean?
alebal avatar
mx flag
Looks like php can't access configuration file dir of fail2ban... (in /etc) maybe it can with a symlink?
jpbrain avatar
ca flag
in both case you need to be root. so, one approach will be to use cron to execute the shell, a in the shell use fail2ban or ufw. Calling from php as root requires security checks . Maybe it is not a good idea.
alebal avatar
mx flag
Exec via php shouldn't need root to use fail2ban-client, right? The problem appears to be the configuration file that fail2ban needs to read, and it is located in /etc directory which www-data cannot access. In the last comment they even say to copy it to an accessible directory, but I don't know how good it is to copy a configuration file, also because I didn't understand what this file is. Unfortunately, the discussion seems to be over, but it seemed that it was just a short distance away ...
jpbrain avatar
ca flag
Fail2ban needs root to take actions over the firewall ufw too. So the symlilnk approach it is not an option. The two step I describe up works. php writes the file with ips. Cron executes the shell as root every 10 minutes or something like that and cleans the file.
alebal avatar
mx flag
So... i make some little changes to work with fail2ban in the cron way...#!bin/bash #assuming one IP per line input="/var/www/html/function_global/ip_add_fwd.txt" while IFS= read -r line do #sudo ufw deny from $line to any; sudo fail2ban-client set apache-badbots banip $line; done < "$input" #This line will empty the file echo "">"$input"
alebal avatar
mx flag
but, when i try this: sudo /var/www/html/function_global/google_ip_list_ban_cron sudo: unable to execute /var/www/html/function_global/google_ip_list_ban_cron: No such file or directory... what he don't understand? where is ip_add_fwd.txt? i save the new file in the same dir...
jpbrain avatar
ca flag
sorry.. is a typo. please correct "#!/bin/bash" and try again. Also, file needs to be run from root cron.
alebal avatar
mx flag
Thanks, llooks like it work... I create this crontab 5 0 * * * root /var/www/html/function_global/google_ip_list_ban_cron on sudo nano /etc/crontab, should the crontab work?
jpbrain avatar
ca flag
Yes. It should work.
alebal avatar
mx flag
All right, but today I would have liked to receive an email with the IPs that he added to fail2ban, but nothing came. The results of the crontabs arrive by mail, is it possible to add an output with the processed ip?
jpbrain avatar
ca flag
Two thing to look at: Is there a MAIL directive in crontab file? Is any output being generated?
alebal avatar
mx flag
yes, the mail is on the top of crontab file, today it send me a mail, the mail say: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... should be the result of fail2ban, but would be nice have the blocked IPs...
jpbrain avatar
ca flag
May be, is better to send a fail2ban status at the end of the script.
alebal avatar
mx flag
how ??? no idea how to do it...
jpbrain avatar
ca flag
Can you post your actual script? if you are using "fail2ban-client" there is an option that list banned ips for a Jail.
alebal avatar
mx flag
added to your first post... but it's very similar to yours...
alebal avatar
mx flag
Can we just print in the mail ip_add_fwd.txt file content?
jpbrain avatar
ca flag
Let us [continue this discussion in chat](

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