
How to recursively convert all JPGs into one PDF in each folder using img2pdf?

us flag

I have three levels of folders like main, sub-1 and sub-2. my main folder has lot of sub-1 folders and sub-1 has lot of sub-2 folder with JPG images inside.

I copy JPG files from sub-2 to its parent sub-1 folder FROM main folder by using this command.

find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec sh -c 'for p; do
  cp "$p" "${p%/*/*}"
done' _ {} +

Now I have to convert all jpgs into one pdf file inside each sub-1 folder from my MAIN folder, so there will be my all copied jpgs along with converted pdf in sub-1 (pdf name should be the folder name ex: sub-1). after convert finished I have to delete the copied jpgs only inside sub-1 folder (not original jpgs), so there will be many sub-2 folders with a single pdf file.

I am using img2pdf library to covert my images. and I tried this command below it does not do the work, I could not find any solution. Now how do I make this works?

find . -name '*.jpg' -type f -exec bash -c 'img2pdf *.jpg -o "${PWD##*/}".pdf' {} + \
sudodus avatar
jp flag
Using single quotes `'` will probably not let the ${...} expand as intended. I think you need not wrap the 'imp2pdf command line' in `bash -c ' ...'`
Sam avatar
us flag
I tried still not working
sudodus avatar
jp flag
OK. I had to check the details by testing. See the answer below.
jp flag

I did some tests in my Photos directory tree, and the following system with two shellscripts works for me.



find * -type d -exec second {} \;
echo ""



num=$(ls "$1"/*.jpg 2> /dev/null | wc -l)
if [ $num -ne 0 ]
 echo -n "."
 img2pdf -o "$1/${1//\//-}_${num}_pictures".pdf "$1"/*.jpg

Edit twice: Alternate script second makes a pdf file without number of pictures and 'pictures' in the name:


num=$(ls "$1"/*.jpg 2> /dev/null | wc -l)
if [ $num -ne 0 ]
 echo -n "."
 img2pdf -o "$1/${1##*/}".pdf "$1"/*.jpg
  • Copy and paste from the code areas into a text editor and create the files first and second

  • Make them executable

    chmod +x first second
  • move them to a directory in PATH. If this is only for your personal use, [create and] move them in into ~/bin. Otherwise if other users should also use these shellscripts, move them into /usr/local/bin

    mkdir ~/bin
    mv first second ~/bin

    You may need to reboot to get ~/bin into your PATH.

Now you are ready to use them. Change directory to the top or the directory tree, where you have your pictures and run first.

Example (but you have local names, not Pictures like the English),

cd ~/Pictures

It will write a dot to the terminal window for each subdirectory where it finds at least one picture and creates a pdf file.

The you can find the pdf files with the following command

find -name "*.pdf"

Major edit:

After a discussion with the original poster, I think I understood the structure of the directory tree to be processed. Copies of the files at lower levels are located in the sub-1 directories with person's names. The files in these sub-1 directories are to be merged into pdf-files.


$ tree -U
├── adam
│   ├── mkusb-minp-2-crop.jpg
│   ├── us_keyboard_for_sudo_password.jpg
│   ├── nautilus-connect-to-server-2.jpg
│   ├── pict1
│   │   ├── mkusb-minp-2-crop.jpg
│   │   └── nautilus-connect-to-server-2.jpg
│   ├── pict2
│   │   └── us_keyboard_for_sudo_password.jpg
│   └── adam.pdf
└── betty
    ├── nautilus-connect-to-server-1.jpg
    ├── mkusb-minp-3-cropx.jpg
    ├── pict1
    │   ├── nautilus-connect-to-server-1.jpg
    │   └── calamares-mount-failed.jpg
    ├── pict2
    │   └── mkusb-minp-3-cropx.jpg
    ├── calamares-mount-failed.jpg
    └── betty.pdf

6 directories, 14 files

If you change working directory with cd to where these name-directories are located, you can use the following modified first shellscript.


find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec second {} \;
echo ""

It will run the second shellscript only in the name-directories and not look for what is in [upper or] lower levels of the directory tree.

The following shows how find finds only the name-directories

$ find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1
sudodus avatar
jp flag
If you have file names with spaces, there will probably be problems. One solution can be to but the command with `img2pdf` into a small second [shellscript] file and call the shellscript in the command line with `find`. This way you can have double quotes around the files: `"*.jpg"` in the small second shellscript. An alterniative is the replace the spaces with underscores: `"filename with spaces"` --> "`filename_with_underscores"`.
Sam avatar
us flag
I tried your script, it is creating empty pdfs in each directories with wrong names, my folder name in Arabic
sudodus avatar
jp flag
It works for me with a non-English western European language. It is possible that you have a problem because of the folder names or file names. I suggest that you create a second [shellscript] file and make it work for a single directory. Then make the first [master shellscript] file with `find` that calls the second shellscript for each subdirectory containing files. Can you do that yourself or do you need help with it? (You may need help from someone using the same language.)
Sam avatar
us flag
I am totally new to this scripts sir, I think might need help
sudodus avatar
jp flag
OK @Looper, I added details how to make system with two scripts,where `first` calls `second` for each subdirectory. This works for me, and I hope that it works with Arabic too. If not you need help from someone else, who knows Arabic and/or who knows better how to manage special characters in file names.
Sam avatar
us flag
I am running the scripts in Ubuntu by WSL2, so where do I need to move the both shell scripts here. I am confused (FYI I do not have admin privilege )
sudodus avatar
jp flag
Let us [continue this discussion in chat](
sudodus avatar
jp flag
@Looper OK, I did not know exactly what you wanted. I thought it best to put something in the name, that avoids giving the same name to several files, but maybe the second edit of the second file will work for you.

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