
Installing Wi-fi Drivers on Ubuntu Server 20.04

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I recently purchased a USB Wi-fi Adapter from Amazon for my Ubuntu server. The reviews say that it is compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 but the drivers for Ubuntu don't come on the included driver CD. I was wondering where I could find the correct drivers for the adapter. The adapter is linked below. If anyone can help, that'd be very appreciated.

Wi-fi Adapter:

Journalctl --follow interesting lines:

lsusb output:

lsusb -v output for wifi adapter:,

Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
Does the adapter work? What does `lsusb` output? In most cases you don't need drivers.
waltinator avatar
it flag
Unplug the adapter. In a terminal window, `sudo journalctl --follow`. Enter your login password when prompted. Then plug the adapter in. After things settle, stop the `journalctl --follow` by typing `^C`. Carefully read each line, and [Edit] your question to add (copy, paste,format) the interesting ones
Wilson T. avatar
ru flag
@waltinator , I've edited the original post with the Journalctl --follow interesting lines.
Wilson T. avatar
ru flag
@Pilot6 , I've edited the original post with the lsusb output.
Nate T avatar
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@waltinator dmesg may work better here with the `--facility [list] --kernel` options. I'm not sure which facilities would return usb/wifi related logs, but I guarantee they exist. : )
Nate T avatar
it flag
what options are given on the dick that came with it? would you mind listing the file names? Also, can you rerun `lsusb` but as `lsusb -v ` and post the section following `Bus 001 Device 004` in the output. IJt will tell if ther is a stock driver loaded for it.
Wilson T. avatar
ru flag
@NateT I've posted the lsusb -v output for the wifi adapter.

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