
Why I can not remove neither folder nor its content?

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Here is the folder and its content.I don't understand why I cannot remove these files and this folder. ls -ltr results in:

total 16672704
-rwxrwxrwx 0 17064381527 Eyl  2 18:10 101737-31-HO-EO_L03_99_merged.bam
-rwxrwxrwx 0 8395632 Eyl  2 18:10 101737-31-HO-EO_L03_99_merged.bam.bai
-rwxrwxrwx 0 4503304 Eyl  2 19:52 101737-31-HO-EO_L03_99.g.vcf.gz
-rwxrwxrwx 0 49778 Eyl  2 19:54 output.txt

sudo rm -rf * results in:

rm: cannot remove '101737-31-HO-EO_L03_99.g.vcf.gz': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '101737-31-HO-EO_L03_99_merged.bam': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '101737-31-HO-EO_L03_99_merged.bam.bai': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'output.txt': No such file or directory

Using sudo rm -rf merged_bam_bai to delete the whole folder doesn't help either.

My Ubuntu version is 18.04.5 LTS

Zeiss Ikon avatar
cn flag
Have you tried when `merged_bam_bai` isn't your working directory?
Baran Aldemir avatar
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@Zeiss Ikon Yes I did. It says rm: cannot remove 'merged_bam_bai/': Directory not empty
Baran Aldemir avatar
cn flag
Nope using sudo doesn't help. @TBr
Baran Aldemir avatar
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@TBr These files are created by using GATK bioinformatics tools. And this is the first time this has happened. And yeah I used these tools with nohup as gnks user.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
Please do not post pictures of your terminal. Copy-paste and use code fences for formatting. Put three back ticks on the line before and three back ticks on the line after code blocks. Thanks
Baran Aldemir avatar
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@TBr Trying to delete each file independently doesn't work either.
Baran Aldemir avatar
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@TBr Yes this is not the first time. I run this process to get such files many many times.
Zeiss Ikon avatar
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I wonder if this might be related to one file being about a hundred times the total size of all the files?
v010dya avatar
gb flag
What is the filesystem that this is on?
raj avatar
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That `ls -l` output is strange. After the permissions field (`-rwxrwxrwx`), there is a number of 0 links to the file (there should be at least 1), and there are no owner/group fields. Is this directory maybe some network share? If yes, it may be mounted read-only, that's why you can't delete.
Baran Aldemir avatar
cn flag
Somehow problem has been solved. I am not sure but maybe some process was still running in the background and when it stopped files got removed. I don't know about the filesystem.

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