
Laptop Suspend not working 20.04

ng flag

On my Lenovo IdeaPad 5 laptop using Ubuntu 20.04.3 daily

Suspend on lid close and suspend with the power button do not work

Suspend from the Power Off/Log Out menu selection does work

I originally said 21.10 daily, but I just installed 20.04.3 and I'm having the same issues

user535733 avatar
cn flag
Please file three proper bug reports on the bug tracker. AskUbuntu is not the bug tracker. Thank you for helping to test Ubuntu!
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Refer where you'll notice only supported releases of Ubuntu and flavors are on-topic for this site. For *impish* indri [21.10] questions you'll need to use a development support site such as IRC (#ubuntu+1) or Ubuntu Forums, or wait until after release for this site (expected release date for Ubuntu 21.10 is 14 October 2021 ( when your question will be on-topic here).
guiverc avatar
cn flag
If you're after support you should use a #ubuntu+1 site as *impish* hasn't been released yet, however if you're QA-testing and are seeking help with bug reporting, you can also use #ubuntu-quality on IRC or telegram; for help with If using the daily for *live* testing; you should also report on the ISO QA tracker (it doesn't apply to installed systems except for the install itself; report via launchpad bug tracker for installed/usage issues)
Nate T avatar
it flag
Reread your post. There is no question. what are you wanting? The power button thing is common on Ubuntu. My power button shuts the machine off.
ng flag
@NateT I would like it to work. There is an option for setting the power button to suspend and it doesn't work.
Nate T avatar
it flag
Run `apt info gnome-shell-extension-suspend-button`. The top line should say `gnome-shell-extension-suspend-button/focal,focal 0~git20191005-1 all` Immediately after this, on the same line, does it say `[Installed, ... ]` the ellipses would be replaced by either `Automatic` or something else, depending on install method. Do you have this? If not try it out. Read the bottom paragraph of the `apt info` command first. It is not automatically enabled. You will have to use gnome-tweak-tool or something similar. Coincidently, I was reading about this when you commented. Wierd!
Nate T avatar
it flag
`sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-suspend-button`
in flag
  1. Install Gnome Tweaks tool from the Ubuntu Software application. I am using version 3.34.0.
  2. Run Gnome Tweaks.
  3. On the General tab, turn on 'Suspend when laptop lid is closed'.
ng flag
I tried that and it still doesn't work

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