
Netcat files transfer over a private backend 10G network

vn flag

I have a bunch of machines on Ubuntu 20.04 as well as a storage server on Ubuntu 20.04.

I'm looking to transfer quickly files of 100 Gb+ to the storage server with Netcat.

I would like to be able to easily transfer the content of a folder with multiple files without having to name them to a folder on the server.

So far I haven't been successful at using Netcat so I would appreciate if someone could give me simple commands that I could just replicate.

Also tell me how to chose the right ports for the transfer.

Lets's assume that I want to transfer all the files that are in /mnt/disk1/files (only the files, not the folder) on a computer with an IP of to /dev/sdc2/folder1 on a computer with an IP of

Example on the receiving computer I used the following command nc -vl 44444 > /dev/sdc2/folder1 and then on the sending computer I used the following command nc -N 44444 < /mnt/disk1/files/* I was told that I had to use * when I wanted to send all the files in a folder but it doesn't work. is port 44444

Nmath avatar
ng flag
Why do you need/want to use netcat? Can you give examples of the commands you are trying and more details about why they aren't working?
in flag
Is mounting a samba share and copying across the network as though it were a local file system insufficient?
vn flag
I need to transfer quickly files that are over 100Gb and samba is way too slow for that. I know for a fact that Netcat is way faster than anything else over a 10G network. I do not want to compress the files as it takes too much time. following my example in my question, on the receiving computer I used the following command nc -vl 44444 > /dev/sdc2/folder1 and then on the sending computer I used the following command nc -N 44444 < /mnt/disk1/files/* I was told that I had to use * when I wanted to send all the files in a folder but it doesn't work. is port 44444 ok?
muru avatar
us flag
@OlivierLA75 Just use `tar` without compression.
waltinator avatar
it flag
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ar flag
If you do `nc ... > /dev/sdc2/folder1` you will destroy the 2nd partition of your `sdc` disk! To copy folders and files, you need to copy to a mounted partition, not a raw partition. If you want to use `nc` rather than the usual `rsync` or a mounted NFS or Samba share, then use `tar` as suggested by @muru.

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