I have Ubuntu for windows installed on my windows machine. I am able to use the terminal just fine. When I try to use
sudo lsscsi
I get no results. As if the virtual machine cannot detect any of my devices. Specifically I'm trying to get it to detect my Ultrium 3000. When I try using
sudo lspci
I get an error
cannot open /proc/bus/pci.
When browsing the ubuntu file system /proc/bus does exist but has no subdirectories or files.
Is what I am trying to do possible? Or will I have to properly install ubuntu as dual boot?
All I really want to do is flash my Ultrium with it's firmware. I've been able to get .E file for it and found some instructions for flashing it with this file.
sudo sg_write_buffer -b 4k -I Z6ED_019_233.E -m 4 /dev/sg3
sudo sg_write_buffer -m 5 /dev/sg3
but this fails because /dev/sg3 is not a thing. Which is why I was trying to detect where my ultrium was in the ubuntu filing system.
I have to use this .E file because the .frm file I need to install via hpe software is locked behind a "paywall". I quote it because they won't even let me pay to get the file, I have to have a serial number for a device still under warranty. HPE is evil.
Any help here would be appreciated.