
A2DP sound server on Ubuntu server 20.04 (raspberry pi)

mx flag

I have a Pi runnig Ubuntu server (aarch64) and plugged in my old 2.1 speaker system. In the end I want to be able to stream music from my phone to the speakers over blueutooth and the Pi. I tried dozens of the (outdated) tutorials in the www, but I gave up. I dont care about ALSA or PA. It should be easy to setup and work out of the box. Preferrably even dockerized, such that I can just docker-compose up a2dp, since I dont want to go through the hassle each time I update my system. However I know it's cumbersome due to the hardware interface so docker is not mandatory. How can I achieve this?

David avatar
cn flag
If what you are asking made any sense that would be a start. Is the old 2.1 speaker system Bluetooth? What have you tried we cant know so it does not help to say outdated tutorials.
ManuelSchneid3r avatar
mx flag
Edited slightly. The outdated ones are bluez4. bluez5 has no Alsa support built in. BluezAlsa is not in the repos yet (well raspbian has it) building it is a pain (tried in a docker container)

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