
Big Ram Usage When Starting Up - Ubuntu 20.04

in flag

I have a problem with big memory usage on Ubuntu 20.04 when starting up. I have 16 gb of RAM, and it is used 7 gb when starting up. Then I came across this SO thread and found out that this RAM usage is including the Buffer/Cache. It turned out, in my case the buffer is around 3.6 gb. Here is what free -m shows me:

free -m

If I calculated correctly, based on this SO thread and this site, my real memory usage will be total - available right? Which is 15826 - 8012 = 7814. But surprisingly, 7814 is even larger than in my used memory, 7030.

If I calculated it from used - buffer/cache, I got different value, which is 7030 - 3630 = 3400.

Let's assume my memory usage is 3.4 gb, it's still feel too much for Ubuntu when starting up. If I see the process using htop, I also don't see any application that use that big memory. Note: I'm using Cinnamon DE on Ubuntu 20.04 here. This is what htop tells me:

enter image description here

My question will be how to really calculate my RAM usage? Do I calculated it wrong? If it is right, then why it took huge memory when boot up? And how to reduce it's memory usage?

Thanks !

us flag
There is a `java` program which is consuming 27% of the memory. Check your startup applications.

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