
How to compile kernel 5.14.1 from in Ubuntu 20.04?

tn flag

I have Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS where i want to run my own kernel, so I did :

Kernel from

make -j 3 allmodconfig
make -j 3 bzImage
make -j 3 modules
sudo make -j 3 modules_install
sudo make install

in recovery mode, the kernel panics in a softlockup in normal mode, the kernel also does not boot the root file system is lvm encrypted....

How to fix this ?

us flag
Can you boot with another kernel from the advanced options in the grub screen?
Thorsten Kiefer avatar
tn flag
onlyl with the standard ubuntu kernel
us flag
So boot with the working kernel, and remove the faulty ones.
Thorsten Kiefer avatar
tn flag
actually i wanted to know why the kernel does not boot, and fix that
us flag
Then please edit your question appropriately with which exact kernel you tried to install.
Thorsten Kiefer avatar
tn flag
I added a link to the kernel source
us flag
You can download .deb packages of these kernels from (and install them in your own risk -- there are reasons the Ubuntu kernel team did not release them as updates yet).
us flag
Why do you want to upgrade the kernel? Does something not work correctly?
Thorsten Kiefer avatar
tn flag
Pentium silver sound does not work and for security reasons, and simply the philosophy, that the kernel should work like this / so for testing resons
us flag
*Pentium silver sound does not work* -- You can ask a new question about that and *for security reasons* -- The existing kernels are regularly patched for security. * kernel should work like this* - You should edit your question to specify that you want to build a kernel and ask how to do it.
Doug Smythies avatar
gn flag
Try following this [compile/install]( method.

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