
Pycharm -> Failed to create virtual environment

in flag

I wanted to run my first python file on ubuntu when suddenly this message with no further instructions appeared:

Failed to create virtual env

As a consequence I have researched what the meaning of the error was. According to the forum this was the most appropriate solution:


I have tried it, however the same error message appeared. I also made sure that the location directory where I created my venv was empty. This is the furthest I have come:

Current selection

After this the same error message appears with no context how to solve it.

Edit:Error message

Solution: Unable to locate package python3-distutils in Ubuntu 16.04

First answer from ksharp

Pavel Karateev avatar
kz flag
Contact PyCharm support at [email protected] and send them `idea.log` from **Help | Show Log in ...**. Other than that - try creating a venv from the terminal - with e.g. `python3.9 -mvenv ...` - does it work?
Markus Reiter avatar
in flag
Hi i am new to ubuntu, wanted to know how to detect idea.log, only thing I have found to detect log files was cat /var/log/syslog
Pavel Karateev avatar
kz flag
That's PyCharm log, see the top menu (File, Edit, View, ..., Help) on your screenshot - select Help and "Show Log in" option there to open the folder with logs.
Markus Reiter avatar
in flag
Thank you, i just sent the e-mail. In case you are familiar with the error i have attached it to the question.
Pavel Karateev avatar
kz flag
Seems like there is no `distutils` package installed. Try `sudo apt-get install python3.9-distutils`.
Markus Reiter avatar
in flag
Thank you, it almost worked perfectly I just had to add -extra. I found the solution on a different post >> attached above
es flag

I had a similar issue in Linux Mint, the solution which helped me was found on, which I also mentioned here:

You need to update virtualenv package! Run the below command in CMD or Mac/Linux terminal,

pip upgrade virtualenv

If you have pip3, try the below command,

pip3 upgrade virtualenv

If you are using conda, try the below command,

conda install virtualenv

First, I installed pip3 and then proceeded to pip3 install virtualenv.

alphazwest avatar
cn flag
I think you might have omitted the `install` portion of the command. e.g. `pip3 install --upgrade virtualenv`

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