
If I upgrade to the 21.10 Developer branch will i get the stable too?

mx flag


My question would be if I upgrade to 21.10 Developer branch will I get the stable release when the stable release comes out?

Do you already have a driver added?

David avatar
cn flag
The question is not clear. All releases are free. What do you mean?
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Refer where you'll notice only supported releases of Ubuntu and flavors are on-topic for this site. For *impish* indri [21.10] questions you'll need to use a development support site such as IRC (#ubuntu+1) or Ubuntu Forums, or wait until after release for this site (expected release date for Ubuntu 21.10 is 14 October 2021 ( when your question will be on-topic here).
guiverc avatar
cn flag
The answer to your question though is yes. Installations using *impish* (*development* release are called by the codename until release; ie. my release reports itself as `Ubuntu Impish Indri (development branch)` but that'll change in the day (even hours) before release and become Ubuntu 21.10; it's name post-release, and normal upgrades are all that is required. Ubuntu 20.04 release upgraded to 20.04.3 more than a week before 20.04.3 was official released for example. A `sudo apt full-upgrade` maybe required though (not just `apt upgrade`)
Empire201 avatar
mx flag
Thanks guiverc. Question answered.

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