
Dual boot grub cannot detect windows

cn flag

I am very new in Ubuntu. My grub is not detecting my windows Os. I am now in Ubuntu Os but cannot go back to my windows system.

Here is my boot repair report I guess...

Suggest me some steps to get my windows option back on Grub boot-loader. Thanks in advance.

Nmath avatar
ng flag
Your boot repair says "*The OS now in use*" when referencing Ubuntu. You must run `boot-repair` from a live session, not your installed system. You should run `boot-repair` again from the live session.
oldfred avatar
cn flag
You are not showing any boot files in the ESP. Your /EFI/Microsoft should have more than a memtest. Boot-Repair is really only for Linux and its main fix is reinstall of grub. You need your Windows repair disk or installer with repair console and run a full set of Windows repairs. Be sure to always boot in UEFI mode.
Md. Ashraful Islam avatar
cn flag
@Nmath here is the live usb version
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
You don't have the Windows bootloader. So, again, ***You need your Windows repair disk or installer with repair console and run a full set of Windows repairs. Be sure to always boot in UEFI mode.***

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