
The FileZilla can only work once

cx flag

I am using Ubuntu 18.04.5 as a virtual machine on VMware. I've encountered a serious problem when using FileZilla. It only can be initialized once when the pwd is ~/.config/filezilla/. If I exit FileZilla and initialize it once again, the terminal is stuck on reading locale option from ~/.config/filezilla/filezilla.xml and the system crashes like this:

enter image description here

The first initialization would even crash if the pwd is not ~/.config/filezilla/.

I have removed and reinstalled FileZilla many times, but I cannot fix this problem.

David avatar
cn flag
Might be better to get help from the filezilla support site. Also please do not post pictures of text include the text in the question.
wangwei avatar
cx flag
I supplement more details. Yesterday, FileZilla could be initialized once when pwd was the home directory. However, after I removing the FileZilla icon from the favorites tab, things get what I post above.

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