
TP-Link AC600 not working on 20.04

cn flag

I am new to Linux and I have been struggling trying to connect my wireless connection with

Ac600 Device ID : 2357:0120. (RTL8812au). 

I found some drivers for my exact same wifi card, but none of them have been successful so far. When I type Iwconfig, it tells me no wireless extensions.

Jeremy31 avatar
ke flag
Is Secure Boot enabled? `mokutil --sb-state`
Bozak avatar
cn flag
No it is disabled. How can I enable it?
chili555 avatar
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Did you try this fix? Welcome to Ask Ubuntu.
Bozak avatar
cn flag
Dude, amazing work. Thank you I can finally get my assignments turned in
chili555 avatar
cn flag
Awesome! Glad it's working.

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