
How to grep the lines between the parent tags

jp flag

I need to grep the lines between <login-config> and </login-config>, can anyone suggest the best method

muru avatar
us flag
This looks like XML. Is it supposed to be XML?
CrazyTux avatar
us flag
Does this answer your question? [How to extract a string from a json file and put into a variable (Linux)](
bac0n avatar
cn flag
`xmllint --xpath '//login-config/*' file.xml`
gh flag


sed -n '/\<login-config/,/\/login-config/{//!p;}' file

will print the desired output, even for multiple matches of the opening/closing pattern.


awk '/\<login-config/{f=1;next} /\/login-config/{f=0} f' file

works but only if there is only one match (it could surely be fixed).


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