
nmcli - how can I force a specifiv channel/band (for wifi performance testing)

us flag

Please observe my attempt here:

andre@E6530:~$ nmcli -f in-use,freq,ssid,bssid,signal,bars  dev wifi
IN-USE  FREQ      SSID      BSSID              SIGNAL  BARS 
        2462 MHz  VALHALL   A2:6C:AC:29:C5:F9  94      ▂▄▆█ 
*       5220 MHz  VALHALL   A2:6C:AC:29:C6:01  89      ▂▄▆█ 

so I am trying to select the 2.5Ghz BSSID:

andre@E6530:~$ nmcli d wifi connect  A2:6C:AC:29:C5:F9
Device 'wlp3s0' successfully activated with '591347ce-ef0c-4764-8142-4a014c255b0d'.

It seems to have worked... but no, I am still at 5.22Ghz one.

andre@E6530:~$ nmcli -f in-use,freq,ssid,bssid,signal,bars  dev wifi
IN-USE  FREQ      SSID      BSSID              SIGNAL  BARS 
        2462 MHz  VALHALL   A2:6C:AC:29:C5:F9  94      ▂▄▆█  
*       5220 MHz  VALHALL   A2:6C:AC:29:C6:01  76      ▂▄▆_ 

How can I force it to stay on the one I need to test? (there are many access points providing the same SSID, with two radios each - i wish to test all on both bands)


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