
Starting server in screen with ssh does not create screen session

uy flag

I'm trying to compose a single command that will start server in screen on remote machine. ssh user@host "cd workingdirectory/ ; screen -dmS server ./" also tried with -t and -f flags for ssh command. When I execute cd workingdirectory/ ; screen -dmS server ./ while connected via ssh it works correctly, but when I run it with ssh part the screen does not launch. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

raj avatar
cn flag
Are you running the ssh command from a terminal, or from some environment with no terminal (for example from a webserver script)? From what I remember, `screen` needs a terminal to start.
Marcin K. avatar
uy flag
I tried both from linux terminal and python paramiko with similar results. If it would be the case, do you know any workaround?
raj avatar
cn flag
I would try to write an `expect` script that logs in to server via ssh, starts `screen` and logs out. `expect` explicitly simulates a terminal. If you are able to start `screen` in a ssh session, this solution should work.
Marcin K. avatar
uy flag
I have found paramiko-expect python library and it started the server successfully, you were right, thanks!

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