I upgraded Ubuntu to 21.04.
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 21.04
Release: 21.04
Codename: hirsute
Now when I open a terminal from the file explorer and open a new tab using Ctrl+shift+t I get the following message in the terminal:
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
After this, if I try to use "cd" I get the following error:
$ cd
bash: cd: HOME not set
Has anyone had similar problems or know why this is happening?
I have never had issues like this before.
Bug in gnome-terminal 3.38.1, should be fixed in 3.38.2
See vanadium's answer.
Suggestions tried:
$ env | grep HOME
Working tab:HOME=/home/vackraetraed
Failing tab:
$ grep vackraetraed /etc/passwd
Working tab: vackraetraed:x:1000:1000:My name,,,:/home/vackraetraed:/bin/bash
Failing tab: vackraetraed:x:1000:1000:My name,,,:/home/vackraetraed:/bin/bash
$ whoami
Working tab: vackraetraed
Failing tab: vackraetraed
Copy system default files to user: $ cp -r /etc/skel/.bashrc ~ ; cp -r /etc/skel/.profile ~
Try the issue with a new temp user login
- No instructions on how to run as root when tab opens
- 'cd' still does not work