
EATON Ellipse 1200 EcoControl setup

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User of an UPS EATON Ellipse 1200 ECO, I'm interested in the "EcoControl" feature that would turn off ECO outlets power when the computer on the Master outlet is shutdown.

I can read in this documentation, on page 6 at the Master and EcoControl outlets operating procedure section, that:

This function (deactivated by default) is validated and configured using the configuration tool integrated in the software

I did not find anythng related to this "configuration tool" for Linux, and asked the EATON support. The answer is : this is a Windows software. And it's fully implemented on MacOS since blabla blabla.

Surprising when you think of the number of Linux servers around the world, many of them needing an UPS in order to stay alive as long as possible.

Now, before I forget this feature, I'd like to hear about the ones here who would have ideas on how to set it up from an Ubuntu box...



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